Thank you for considering doing business with the Islands Trust.
We conduct competitive bidding processes for significant procurement, following the intent of provincial government procurement policies, as well as Trust Council policy.
We are conscious of our duty to spend public funds responsibly. These competitive processes help give us confidence that we are managing public funds wisely.
Procurement processes, including Invitations to Quote, Request for Proposals, and Request for Qualifications are advertised on the Islands Trust website, and on the BC Bid and on the Civic Info website.

Interested suppliers responding to a competitive process must:
- Ensure proposals are submitted as indicated in the RFP documents by the stated closing time.
- Read all documents thoroughly and comply with all the instructions and conditions.
- Read all addenda/amendments. All addenda/amendments will be posted on the BC Bid website. It is the proponent’s sole responsibility to check for addenda/amendments on the BC Bid website. We strongly encourage proponents to subscribe to BC Bid’s email notification service to receive notices of new or updated addenda/amendments.
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