Rainwater Harvesting Rebate Program

A rainwater harvesting rebate program, administered by the Regional District of Nanaimo, is now open and accepting applications.

This incentive program rebates up to $450 for a cistern that is rated for potable use and able to collect a minimum of 4,546 litres (1,000 imperial gallons) of rainwater. In addition, there is up to $300 available for other eligible collection system expenses such as transport piping, debris traps, filters and installation costs. Distribution components (beyond the tank) are not covered under the rebate. This makes a total of up to $750 available per household for the purchase and installation of a rainwater harvesting system.

This rebate program is available to all residential landowners within the RDN.

If you’re on Gabriola and you’re looking to up your rainwater harvesting game, find out more information from the Regional District of Nanaimo here.

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