In 2020, the Islands Trust Council established a secretariat service to support coordination groups in the Islands Trust Area.
Islands Trust offers administrative support to groups comprised of First Nations, organizations and/or stakeholders that convene to share information and collaborate or to determine, implement or carry out First Nation, regional district, improvement district, or the government of British Columbia policies in the Trust Area.

Since 2014, the Islands Trust Council has funded the Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Alliance through a special property tax requisition in the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area. This funding supports coordinating collaborative freshwater monitoring and protection projects by SSIWPA member agencies, and the development of a Water Sustainability Framework.
- 2023/24 – $43,500
- 2022/23 – $60,000
- 2021/22 – $75,500
- 2020/21 – $75,500
- 2019/20, 2018/19 and 2017/18 – $98,500
- 2016/17 – $110,500
- 2015/16 – $119,500
- 2014/15 – $110,000
The Trust Programs Committee has approved secretariat support to the coordination groups as listed below.
$14,250 budgeted in 2024/25 as follows:
- $1,500 to support the coordination of the Rural Island Economic Partnership
- $2,500 to support the coordination of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $3,000 to support the coordination of the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership
- $4,000 to support the coordination of the Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Community Forum
- $3,000 to support the coordination of the Southern Gulf Islands Forum
- $250 to support the coordination of the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Climate Leadership Steering Committee
$12,000 budgeted in 2023/24 as follows:
- $1,000 to support the coordination of the Rural Island Economic Partnership
- $2,600 to support the coordination of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $3,200 to support the coordination of the Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Community Forum
- $2,600 to support the coordination of the Southern Gulf Islands Forum
- $2,600 to support the coordination of the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership
$15,000 budgeted in 2022/23 as follows:
- $3,000 to support the coordination of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $4,000 to support the coordination of the Howe Sound (Atl’ka7tsem) Community Forum
- $5,000 to support the coordination of the Southern Gulf Islands Forum
- $3,000 to support the coordination of the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership
- Staff time to support the Rural Islands Economic Partnership
$12,000 budgeted in 2021/22 as follows:
- $2,500 plus staff time to support the coordination of the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $3,500 to support the coordination of the Howe Sound (Atl’ka7tsem) Community Forum
- $3,000 plus staff time to support the coordination of the Southern Gulf Islands Forum
- $3,000 to support the coordination of the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership
- Staff time to support the Rural Islands Economic Partnership
- $3,500 plus staff time – Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $3,800 – Howe Sound (Atl’ka7tsem) Community Forum
- $3,000 – to initiate the Southern Gulf Islands Regional Forum
- $800 – Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership
- $2,900 – Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum
- $3,000 – Howe Sound (Atl’ka7tsem) Community Forum and related Task Forces
- $6,000 plus staff time – to initiate the Baynes Sound Lambert Channel Ecosystem Forum