Forest Protection

Forests are vitally important to the health and well-being of the Islands Trust Area.

Taking care of our forests for generations to come is a core value of the work we do because:

  • Forests sustain freshwater, species habitat, and biodiversity.
  • The majority of the Trust Area falls within the Coastal Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zone, which is an ecologically significant and threatened temperate forest.

Islands Trust is here to work with you on the preservation and protection of forests.

a forest trail in green grass between trees on the side of an island with the ocean water behind

What we’re doing:

  • Helping protect with Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program (NAPTEP), land donations and covenants
  • Working with others to monitor nature reserves and conservation covenants
  • Enforcing bylaws and development permit area regulations where they are in place

Local Priorities

All local trust committees and Bowen Island Municipality have official community plan policies addressing forest protection and may also have forest protection projects underway. Learn about these on their respective webpages.


Forest Fact Sheets, 2020