Report a Concern

Have you witnessed any instances where individuals on the islands may have shown disregard for fisheries, wildlife, or environmental protection laws? Would you like to report a concern regarding a possible violation of bylaws? Discover more about how to report a concern or bylaw contravention on this page.

Report a Concern to Islands Trust

Submit a concern through the form below, send an email to Bylaw Compliance and Enforcement staff, or mail a note with the information required to one of the Islands Trust offices.

The Islands Trust is committed to protecting your privacy. Information you provide in the form below is confidential and used only to process your complaint. We never provide or sell your personal information to agencies, third-parties, respondents or advertisers. For detailed information, please review our Privacy Statement.

Please note that we are unable to act on anonymous complaints.

If you have language or literacy issues, contact the Islands Trust offices and staff will help you to complete the form below.

A complainant’s identity is kept confidential during the course of an investigation and the bylaw compliance and enforcement officer will not divulge the identity of the complainant. However, if prosecution is contemplated, the identity of a complainant could be made public in court. This would be discussed with the complainant in advance.

Report a Concern

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    Once your online form submission is successfully sent, you will receive an automatic reply email indicating that “your bylaw enforcement e-mail has been received!” If you haven’t received this email message, then you haven’t successfully submitted your complaint. Try again or contact Bylaw Compliance and Enforcement staff.