
Welcome to the Saturna Island open data portal. The data and maps available on this page are updated regularly, and are free to use with limited license restrictions.

We hope that this open data initiative will help make this portal the definitive source for current and accurate Islands Trust data.

Please refer to the following Terms and Conditions of Use before downloading.

Islands Trust has retired the MapIT application and is actively developing a replacement. In the meantime, if you need guidance or have questions, please reach out to Islands Trust at

For property-specific information, visit:


  • Aerial Imagery

    A compilation of the most recent full colour aerial photographs of the Islands Trust at 1 meter pixel resolution.
    File Download:
  • Contours 10 M

    Lines used to denote elevation at 10 meter intervals which are generated from digital elevation models.
  • Development Permit Areas

    A Development Permit Area (DPA) is an area of land or water that has been designated by a Local Trust Committee to achieve protection or to address design criteria. Within these designations land alteration, construction and subdivision are restricted until a development permit is obtained.
  • Property Boundaries

    Properties boundaries refers to a unit of land under unified ownership. The property or parcel contains a Nine-digit Parcel Identifier Number (PID) which can be found on a property's tax assessment notice and on certain land title records.
  • Protected Areas

    Provincial Parks, National Parks, Marine Parks, Regional Parks, Protected Areas, Conservancy Areas, and Ecological Reserves in the Islands Trust.
  • Zoning

    Regulatory areas controlling the use of land within the Islands Trust as defined in the Island Bylaws. Zoning regulates development factors such as structure type, density, height, lot size, placement, and other standards.
  • Aerial Imagery

  • Bylaws

    Land Use maps depicting land use designations.

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  • Ecosystems

    Maps describing a variety of living organisms and their communities.

  • Islands Trust Conservancy Protected Places

    Explore the islands and take a tour of the ecosystems permanently protected by the Islands Trust Conservancy.