Bowen Island Municipality
Bowen Island has a special status in the Islands Trust Area as the only island municipality. It is represented on the Islands Trust Council by two municipal trustees who are also municipal councillors.
The Islands Trust and Bowen Island Municipality enjoy a unique and positive relationship in which we share common goals for the preservation and protection of our unique island ecosystems and habitats for years to come.
Bowen Island Planning
When adopting a bylaw or issuing a permit or license, the Bowen Island Municipal Council must have regard for the preserve and protect Object (mandate) of the Islands Trust.
Bowen Island Municipality submits its Official Community Plan (OCP) bylaws to the Islands Trust Executive Committee for approval.
Bowen Island Municipality also refers non-OCP bylaws that include a reference to a matter included in the Islands Trust Policy Statement.
Bowen Island Municipality also offers Bowen Island mapping layers through its own open data portal.
Official Community Plan Amendment Process
Initial Staff Report
Early consultation with First Nations and stakeholders
1st Reading
Referral to Islands Trust Executive Committee (under Letter Patent)
Referral to First Nations and agencies
2nd Reading
Public Hearing*
3rd Reading
Referral to the Islands Trust Executive Committee for approval
Consideration of Adoption
* Public Hearing can occur anywhere between 1st and 3rd readings.
Land Use Bylaw Amendment Process
For bylaws that include a reference to a matter included in the Islands Trust Policy Statement:
Initial staff report to Bowen Island Municipality with draft bylaw recommendations
1st Reading
Referral to the Islands Trust Executive Committee (under Letters Patent)
Referral to First Nations and agencies
2nd Reading
Public Hearing (could be waived)*
3rd Reading
Consideration of Adoption
* Public Hearing can occur anywhere between 1st and 3rd readings.
Meetings and Events Around: Bowen
Learn about upcoming Islands Trust meetings and events as they may relate to Bowen Island Municipality.
Find out more about how you can share your views with us.
News Bowen Island Municipality
Find out what's happening in and around Bowen Island Municipality
Meet Your Trustees

Judith Gedye
Bowen Island Trustee
Sue Ellen Fast
Bowen Island TrusteeContact your local planner
Island Profile
Bowen Island is one of 13 local trust areas and island municipalities that make up the Islands Trust Area. Located in Howe Sound just a twenty-minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver, it includes Bowen and Hutt islands.
Mature Forest Growth
%on island
Parks and Woodland
Trust Area
Sensitive Ecosystems
Total area: