Keats Shoreline Protection Project

What is the goal of the Shoreline Protection Project?

The project was initiated based on concerns about increased dock development and shoreline hardening (i.e., sea walls) in the sensitive foreshore and marine area. The project aims to amend both the Keats Island Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) with the objective of providing better protection for the foreshore, near shore, and marine areas of Keats Island. To view the proposed bylaws, related staff reports, and other information, including correspondence, please see the Gambier Island Local Trust Committee Projects page under the ‘Keats Island Shoreline Protection’ section.

A version of the proposed bylaws with changes highlighted and links to various sources can be found here.

You can review Proposed Bylaw Nos. 153 and 154.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Keats Island Shoreline Protection Project can be found here.

The graph below illustrates where we are at in the process.

Have your say

Comments from community members are always welcome. Remember, if you want your thoughts to be considered by the Local Trust Committee your correspondence will become part of the public record and will appear on the Islands Trust website.

To ask questions and submit feedback:

Tel: 250-247-2063
Mail: Islands Trust, 700 North Road, Gabriola, BC V0R 1X2

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