Salt Spring Island Complete Community Assessment

The Salt Spring Island Complete Community Assessment analyzes the built form of the island, its villages and its neighbourhoods, and is funded by the Ministry of Housing’s Complete Community Program. The Complete Community Program supports local governments to undertake assessments using geospatial data to inform land use decision-making, housing supply gaps, transportation options, and infrastructure connections.

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Complete Community Assessment Maps

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Community Engagement

In-person community engagement for the Salt Spring Island Complete Community Assessment project took place on October 16, October 18, and November 24, 2024. A survey was available online and as a printed version at the Salt Spring Island Public Library in October and November 2024. A report on What We Heard during these sessions will be posted here in early 2025.

What is a Complete Community?

The Province’s complete community guide suggests that complete communities offer and support a variety of lifestyle choices, providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to live, work, shop, learn and play close to one another. A complete community enables residents to access day-to-day needs in their neighbourhood. Complete communities provide choices for housing options (single-detached houses, duplexes, townhomes, apartments), ways to get around (car, bike, walk, transit), services, and opportunities for work, school and recreation nearby.

The Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee recognizes that the definition above doesn’t necessarily fit the context of a rural island like ours, so part of this project will be to understand what a “complete community” would look like to the people that live here.


How does a Complete Community relate to the Official Community Plan?

The results of the Salt Spring Island Complete Community Assessment may be used to inform the Official Community Plan/Land Use Bylaw Update process. The assessment will collect and analyze data to help the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee refine land use change scenarios that will be presented to the public in Phase 3 of the assessment project.  This will result in an action plan to address gaps as they relate to housing, infrastructure, and amenities and service provision. This action plan could, in part, guide the development of OCP policy and implementation.

Project Timeline

More Information


Contact Chris Buchan, Island Planner:|

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