

Land use planning is the management of land and resources. It helps communities set goals about how to manage change while keeping important social, economic, and environmental concerns in mind.

It balances the interests of individual property owners with the Islands Trust preserve and protect mandate, and the wider interests and objectives of the entire community. Official community plans, land use bylaws and zoning bylaws are land use planning tools.

Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area Official Community Plan

An official community plan provides a vision, goals, objectives, and policies for how the community will manage change. The official community plan (OCP) guides planning and decision making about land use and related community priorities. Developed in consultation with community members and organizations, First Nations, and provincial agencies, OCPs also reflect the Islands Trust preserve and protect mandate.

Each OCP is unique to the community or island it serves, but it must include:

  • Residential development plans
  • Defined land uses:
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • Recreational
  • Public utility
  • Sand and gravel deposits suitable for extraction
  • Land use restrictions due to environmental sensitivity or hazards
  • Road, sewer and water systems plans
  • Proposed public facilities (public facilities, parks, schools, waste treatment, disposal sites)

Lasqueti Island Official Community Plan

Lasqueti Island Official Community Plan Schedules or Maps

Maps of defined land use areas are in the OCP schedules along with development permit areas.

Lasqueti Island Official Community Plan Adopted Bylaw Amendments

The Official Community Plan is sometimes updated and revised to reflect new developments or priorities.

There are none at this time.

Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area Regulatory Bylaws

Regulatory bylaws are created by local trust committees to facilitate implementation of official community plan policies and establish what is allowed on specific lots. Regulatory bylaws can include:

  • Zoning (use, density, siting, size of buildings and structures)
  • Runoff control
  • Flood plain protection
  • Off-street parking
  • Signs
  • Screening
  • Landscaping to mask or separate different uses of the property
  • Subdivision servicing requirements
  • Surface of water
  • Size and siting of buildings and structures

Lasqueti Island Regulatory Bylaws

Land Use Bylaw Schedules and Maps

Land Use Bylaw Amendments

Land use bylaws are sometimes updated and revised to reflect new developments or priorities.

There are no adopted land use bylaw amendments at this time.

Get Up-To-Date Bylaws

We make every effort to keep bylaws posted to the website, but if you are taking any action related to our bylaws, please contact one of our planning offices to ensure you have the most recent version.

Lasqueti Island Administrative Bylaws

Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area administrative bylaws may include bylaws that establish procedures for meetings, applications and fees.

We make every effort to ensure the bylaws on our website are current, but some may not contain the latest amendment(s). If you are taking any action related to our bylaws, please contact one of our planning offices planning office hours] to ensure you have the most recent version.


Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 96

This bylaw establishes Advisory Planning Commissions for the Lasqueti Island Local Trust Area pursuant to the Local Government Act and the Islands Trust Act.


Board of Variance Bylaw No. 79

This bylaw establishes and sets out procedures for a Board of Variance for the Lasqueti Island Local Trust Committee pursuant to Section 899 of the Local Government Act.

Bylaw Infractions Investigations Bylaw No. 27

This bylaw authorizes inspection of alleged infractions against regulations.


Development Procedure Bylaw No. 35

This bylaw defines procedures under which an owner of land may apply for an amendment to a plan or bylaw or the issue of a permit under Part 14 of the Local Government Act.


Fees Bylaw No. 99

This bylaw prescribes fees for amending bylaws, issuing permits, examining applications for subdivisions, and examining other referrals and applications.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw No. 101

This bylaw designates the head of the Lasqueti Island Trust Committee for the purposes of, and to set fees under, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165, as amended.


Meeting Procedure Bylaw No. 100

This bylaw establishes procedures for meetings of the Lasqueti Island Local Trust Committee.

Standing Resolutions

See standing resolutions for Lasqueti Island in the document library.

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