This page includes current rezoning applications, as well as other significant applications. For a complete list of all open applications and their status, see the most current Local Trust Committee agenda package (found through a search for upcoming meetings on the Meetings and Events page). In the agenda package view the ‘Applications with Status Report’ which can be found within the ‘Reports’ section.
Land Use Bylaw and Official Community Plan Amendment Applications
GB-RZ-2023.1: Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Location: 7161 and 7761 Komas Road, Denman Island (PIDs 023-096-438, 000-211-338, and 000-211-320)
A proposal to amend the Land Use Bylaw to align with the permitted use and density of an historic 1978 Land Use Contract (LUC). All existing LUCs in British Columbia will terminate on June 30, 2024, therefore the application seeks to rezone the properties from Rural Residential (R2) to a site specific zone in order to secure the existing use and density after the LUC is terminated.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
3 - Public Correspondence - none
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
GB-RZ-2024.1: Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Location: Triple Rock Land Cooperative, 5201 Denman Road, Denman Island
Application to rezone from 15 to 19 units, allow secondary suites in all main dwellings and increase maximum floor area of dwellings and outbuildings.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
3 - Public Correspondence - none
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
Development Variance Permit Applications
DE-DVP-2024.1: Development Variance Permit
Location: 3223 Lacon Rd, Denman Island
Application for a variance to allow for a fence that is over the height allowance and a retaining wall within the side yard setback.
1 - Staff Reports
2 - Proposed Bylaw or Permit - none
3 - Public Correspondence
4 - Community Consultation - none
5 - Other Information - none
Temporary Use Permit Applications
None at this time.