For our partnering local land conservancies, when there’s an opportunity to purchase an ecologically significant property on one of the islands, we may be able to help.
The Islands Trust Conservancy works with island-based land trusts to secure undeveloped properties with significant biodiversity values, including sensitive and at-risk ecosystems, and properties connecting and buffering existing protected areas.
Depending on the values of the property and current capacity, our staff may be able to help with:

- Writing funding proposals
- Assisting fundraising initiatives
- Providing limited legal assistance
- Assisting with front-end costs through the Opportunity Fund
- Planning for future property management and conservation covenants
- Holding land titles
Typically, Islands Trust Conservancy will only join an acquisition campaign if a local group exists and will lead the initiative in their community. Islands Trust Conservancy can help groups by reaching a broader audience and potential donors across the region.
Please contact us to discuss submitting a proposal to the Islands Trust Conservancy. The Islands Trust Conservancy relies on the priorities established in our Regional Conservation Plan and its policies to guide decisions about where to invest limited resources.
More Information
If your land trust is interested in seeking ways it and the Islands Trust Conservancy might work together on a conservation opportunity in your community, please contact our staff to discuss the details of your project.