You can make a future gift of a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), income fund (RRIF), or tax free saving account (TFSA) and support conservation in the Islands Trust Area.
A gift of your RRSPs, RRIFs and/or TFSAs is one of the easiest deferred gifts you can make. Simply change the beneficiary to the Islands Trust Conservancy.
By designating Islands Trust Conservancy as a direct beneficiary of registered plans or a TFSA, we issue a tax receipt for the value transferred.

You can name more than one beneficiary which means that you can include your family as well as the Islands Trust Conservancy. A gift of your retirement assets could be the conservation legacy you never thought possible.
Is Islands Trust Conservancy in Your Will?
Please let us know! Informing us of your gifts allows you to know about your wishes, allows us to thank you properly and recognize your support. We would welcome you as a member of the Island Legacy Leaders–people like you that share a commitment and vision for the Islands Trust Area.
We value these gifts at Islands Trust Conservancy and honour your legacy by ensuring that we distribute your assets according to your wishes.
More Information
E: Contact our Strategic Fundraising Specialist
Please Note: we recommend anyone contemplating a legacy gift speak with an independent financial advisor. If your advisor is not familiar with an option we describe here, we would be happy to provide additional information to them.