All gifts of bequests are appreciated, whether they are large or small. You don’t have to own ecologically sensitive land to create a legacy – gifts such as cash, appreciated securities, and property all provide much needed resources to preserve and protect the islands. Your Will expresses your passion for those important things in your life.

Benefits to Leaving a Gift in Your Will
- You have the use of your assets during your lifetime
- You can change your Will at any time
- A bequest is a tax-effective way to leave a gift as it reduces your final estate taxes.
Will Power
Islands Trust Conservancy has partnered with Will Power, a national campaign that educates everyday Canadians about the power of leaving a gift in your Will. You can leave as little as 1% of your estate to Islands Trust Conservancy in your Will, and still leave 99% to loved ones. Use their helpful tool called the Will Power Legacy Calculator to show you how big an impact you can make through your Will in supporting the islands you love.
Is Islands Trust Conservancy Already In Your Will?
Please let us know! Informing us of your gifts allows you to know about your wishes, allows us to thank you properly, and to recognize your support.
We’ll welcome you as a member of Island Legacy Leaders – people like you that share a commitment and vision for the Islands Trust Area.
We value these gifts and honour your legacy by ensuring that we distribute your assets according to your wishes.
Please Note: Making a bequest to Islands Trust Conservancy requires that you have a legally valid Will. If you are contemplating a legacy gift, turn to your lawyer or financial advisor for professional advice. If your advisor is not familiar with an option we describe here, we would be happy to provide additional information to them.