Due to limited resources, Islands Trust Conservancy uses a deliberate strategy to focus the efforts of staff and board when responding to land securement opportunities. The Securement Strategy 2017-2027 is the result of such efforts and helps us ensure that the goals of the Regional Conservation Plan remain rooted in science. The strategy identifies and prioritizes land with high biodiversity values to assist in evaluating conservation opportunities.

Robust Science
Islands Trust Conservancy uses robust science to evaluate securement projects. We have developed a model to map and focus our land conservation efforts.
Property Evaluation
We assess securement opportunities through site visits and parcel-specific information gathering.
Working with Partners
Parks and land trust partners play key roles in land securement. Islands Trust Conservancy will work with partners where they exist to secure conservation lands and to build securement capacity through shared learning, fund building, and the development of shared resources.
Working with Islands Trust
We work with other Islands Trust entities on land securement related to development processes. Islands Trust Conservancy will work with local trust committees on a case-by-case basis to share information on conservation priorities.
Working with First Nations
Islands Trust Conservancy will respectfully engage with First Nations in conversations about securement where archaeological and cultural sites exist and will endeavour to provide access to conservancy lands for traditional practices.
Landowner Outreach
Islands Trust Conservancy will establish a landowner outreach program to help secure conservation lands. Partners are consulted and included in outreach, where appropriate.
Property Management
Islands Trust Conservancy will work with Islands Trust Council to maintain a sufficient budget to manage its nature reserves and conservation covenants. The conservancy will build dedicated funds to ensure that it meets its responsibilities in the event of budget shortfalls.
Celebrating Success
Islands Trust Conservancy will celebrate success with landowners and partners and will share its successes with others.
Connecting with Donors
Islands Trust Conservancy will build a program for legacy gifts with professionals and landowners while maintaining good donor records and relationships.